måndag 25 maj 2009

Another Poem, now by a chessplayer

Anastazia Karlovich, Woman Grand Master, currently at 2251 elo.

According to chessgames.com she wrote the following while
commenting one of their broadcasts.

Premium Chessgames Member BishopBerkeley:
I have heard that in Middle Earth, the King of all herbs is Elvish Parsley
(Petroselinum elvishum crispum), but I cannot verify this.

(Then again, I've heard that in Tijuana, Herb Alpert is the King of all herbs.)

Anastasia: since u r a man of the cloth i won't sing she's vibrator dependent 2 u
but its probly ok 4 u to listen 2 this other song i wrote

elvis is everywhere
elvis is everything
elvis is everybody
elvis is still the king

man o man
what i want u 2 c
is that the big e's
inside of u & me

elvis is everywhere man
he's in everything.
he's in everybody...

elvis is in yr jeans
he's in your cheesbergers
elvis is in nutty buddies
elvis is in your mom

he's in everybody.
he's in the young, the old,
the fat, the skinny,
the white, the black
the brown and the blue
people got elvis in 'em 2


I like that girl!
She is currently my No:1 among chessplayers.

I like this Guy too who has had a bad performance
all since the Olympics in Dresten, but is happy and
safe with his jumbo price in the recent Mtel tournament.

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