And Dragos came into my dreams and told me that he had done a much
better job in Sucevita than Pictor ever did in Suedia at the time in history.

I know that you have painted all the churches and monasteries in Moldavia i said.
- Now let me sleep. - NO, NO, wake up and write something about MEE!

And you must admit that Dragos writings for the illiterate are
better than Pictors. In fact so good that the men of GOD never let
him into a church until he was so old that he had forgot how to paint.
You can take a look in the World Heritage pages
if you like to know witch churches he completely ruined and
destroyed by rewriting their old stories. And it is nothing less
than a miracle that so much of his work is still left. I can
assure you that there is more wind, rain and snow in the
mountains of north Romania and the Black Sea than around
Stockholm by the Baltic Sea.
Pictors indoor pictures where saved by being chalked over and
Dragos outdoor tales must have been saved by constant restoring.
There is a nice big book published by the New York Graphic Society
@ 1962 by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
I got hold of it many years ago for a small sum of money in a communistic bookstore.
There is something funny with the scaling of pics here
on So you better click at those you like to see.
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