lördag 25 december 2010

Merry Christmas from Pelle Svanslös

Homeless people here have a Gratis Julbord (a form of smorgasboard)
at Upplands Nation here in Uppsala.

20 min music from Christmas Eve:

We have a lot of homeless peope here since the Carolina Reviviva Library
closed their big Math Periodical cellar. You could walk trough te English Garden from Matematikum, Kemikum, Fysikum & Teknikum and sneak in at any time during the good old times. The brightest people moved to London. An elementerypartikelfriend who could argue wit me a whole night (because he was sure to had finally disproved Bell's tehorem) ask me if both of us should cross the channel. I tink i hav all i need on my cable was the answer. - And where can i sleep if Hyde park is locked up all night? Kasparav sad: i'll never play a titlefight in a townn where i cant sleepwlak undisturbed again.

And here is an 2 min ill synkrotronsyncronised silly thing from Julottan.

Note my Blondie-shaky left hand. By misstake i took the small Nikon and a big cup of Java instead of Dr Geims levitating frog.

His Nobel Speach You must click on - maybe the best i have heared.

This little introduction gave me lot of hope, - maybe teher still hope that can contribute with someting witin my lifetimespan.
Have you seen Gamows booklet 50 yerars of physics that changed our whole word. Gamow did his best work when he was 24 about strongforceexchanges.
Now noting exeptional has happened for aubout 50 years. More and more crazy people like me began to speculate what what would happen if our 3 dimensions
collides with tee 6-d wich seems to work in quantumphysics. Eineeier (known as EINSTEIN AT STANFORD) guessed that it can't be more than 10-DLets give that Jewish-fysik a blow better than Niels Bohr managed 1928 at Solweig-konferansen. Let him have his 10 dimensions and break out the timeaxis
compleatly and an the time time vill come as a flash from clear sky. Lets look what old Eddington mumbelt about this. Somone said it works well with Maxwell and and mr Klein at KTH. We gat a nice arrowed vector (no need for Gödels Bottle). Maybe put in some Alfven-vågor for tension and vibration and se if it is stringlike. And ask Brian Green at Stanford about the unknown space.
He is the only one one at stanford that kan make himself understanfordish.
Why dident he get a third of this prize? for his communication abilities.
I am glad that he left Tvelevisionn. If only dthat exited Jap Kakku could calm himself down he he could be a new Carl Sagan ant tell strange tails. Eudward teller (whoses Fuse has blown?) has some br Antiteller who asked for as much dollars at pentagaon as the red army puttes into nanowar. Who the hell putte the tabletennisballs from Honolulu on your side now when Nixon and Kissinger stopped playing PING-PONG. Ouer Knug Carl Gusf Bännadötte who held his silly Jultal on SVT1 yesterday talked about keeping our planer green planet while himself doing his best at quite

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