torsdag 25 juni 2009

Uppsala är Aproligt! (at Nowrouz in North)

And yesterday it was extra funny since the biggest group of invaders
in this little town were protesting against everything that has happened
to their beloved Persia since 1948. The girls on this picture are starting
up a march from square to square, and got about 500 singing followers.

I was ordered by my iranian friends to document the event, and got a full
DVD with stills and movies using only four cameras all by myself. Since i'm
not used to two hours of hard work - it nearly broke my back. The filmcutting
i will leave to the people involved, since some of them think that they are
on fathvas and do not want their faces and current location published.

A picture from the end of the meeting (and the end of the camera-batteries)
at Vaksala Torg.

onsdag 24 juni 2009

An angry Note of the Bloody Blogger-Blogspot-Blog

I'll get Mad with the stupid people manageing this
Why cant they use a simple and working scaling function like this fast and
ugly one i'll wrote in all haste wrote for simple desktop picture resizeing.

And why the Hell do they think that all pictures are smaller
or equal to 1600x1200 ??? Maybe i will go back to my old wiki-wiki

typedef struct bilin {
int i0, i1, d0, d1;
} abilin;

/* bilinear.c - Per Andersson 050321 */

#define IR 0
#define IG 1
#define IB 2
#define OR 2
#define OG 1
#define OB 0
#define PARTS 256

/***/ bilinear(in, insiz, inx, iny, out, outsiz, outx, outy)
unsigned char *in, *out;
int insiz, inx, iny, outsiz, outx, outy;
abilin *xp, *yp;
int r, g, b, x, y, *o;
long t;

for (x = 0 ; x < t =" (long)" i0 =" t" i0 =" 0;" i1 =" (t">= inx) bilxx[x].i1 = inx - 1;
bilxx[x].i0 *= color;
bilxx[x].i1 *= color;
bilxx[x].d1 = t & (PARTS - 1);
bilxx[x].d0 = PARTS - bilxx[x].d1;
for (y = 0 ; y < t =" (long)" i0 =" t" i0 =" 0;" i1 =" (t">= iny) bilyy[y].i1 = iny - 1;
bilyy[y].i0 *= insiz * color;
bilyy[y].i1 *= insiz * color;
bilyy[y].d1 = t & (PARTS - 1);
bilyy[y].d0 = PARTS - bilyy[y].d1;
o = (int *) out;
if (color == 1) {
for (yp = bilyy; yp < xp =" bilxx;" r =" (PARTS">d0 * yp->d0 * in[xp->i0 + yp->i0];
r += xp->d1 * yp->d0 * in[xp->i1 + yp->i0];
r += xp->d0 * yp->d1 * in[xp->i0 + yp->i1];
r += xp->d1 * yp->d1 * in[xp->i1 + yp->i1];
*o++ = (r >> 16) * 0x010101; /* only if PARTS == 256 */
else {
for (yp = bilyy; yp < xp =" bilxx;" r =" g" b =" (PARTS">d0 * yp->d0 * in[xp->i0 + yp->i0 + IR];
g += xp->d0 * yp->d0 * in[xp->i0 + yp->i0 + IG];
b += xp->d0 * yp->d0 * in[xp->i0 + yp->i0 + IB];
r += xp->d1 * yp->d0 * in[xp->i1 + yp->i0 + IR];
g += xp->d1 * yp->d0 * in[xp->i1 + yp->i0 + IG];
b += xp->d1 * yp->d0 * in[xp->i1 + yp->i0 + IB];
r += xp->d0 * yp->d1 * in[xp->i0 + yp->i1 + IR];
g += xp->d0 * yp->d1 * in[xp->i0 + yp->i1 + IG];
b += xp->d0 * yp->d1 * in[xp->i0 + yp->i1 + IB];
r += xp->d1 * yp->d1 * in[xp->i1 + yp->i1 + IR];
g += xp->d1 * yp->d1 * in[xp->i1 + yp->i1 + IG];
b += xp->d1 * yp->d1 * in[xp->i1 + yp->i1 + IB];
*o++ = (r & 0xff0000) | ((g & 0xff0000) >> 8) | (b >> 16); /* only if PARTS == 256 */
o += outsiz - outx;

Here is an old Hasselbladare for resizing.

Can You guess who put up these three object in my local Church (wich also happens to be the main church here in Sweden) ?
I do not remember the name of the photographer, but you must know the name of the artist. She has appeared before in this very blog.

Heiss wie im Hölle hier im Norten

Wir haben uber funfzig Celsius beim gelben wand am fenster hier am 49,51.5' N.
So mein Siemensrecner mit Z3 prozessor und Konrad Zuse Plankalkul funktioniert
nicht mehr als es geschaft und geklappt hat im sommer 1945 Hinterdenstein.

But i don't mind. I'll just put on my 4-knotted fourdimensonal Einsteincap and
an old coffesack from sunny Eucuador with cardborr-attached stereospeakers.

Photo by Nasser in Uppsala

tisdag 23 juni 2009

A Note from my old Emperiador Guitar

My old neighbour Inge pured old swedish
Explorer Vodka down my trought yesterday.
(thats why my spelling is so bad today)

And when i was going to play some notes
for him - He shouted - You can't play on that
that thing! Wy not i asked?. Beacuse my
flowers has grown together with its strings!
And for once - he was not lying the slightest at all.

måndag 22 juni 2009

Abbey Road Revival

I took a tripod with me last nigt to get some nice phothos
of the flowers down by the Fyrisåriver in the eavening light.

On my way home i took this 10p photosequence, and i'll hope it works
on blogger with your browser in this tiny gif format

Since i had 2s exponation time with athe little flash in the beginning
it looks like i am hunting my soul. Maybe me and a friend (2 guitars
+ 2 men = 4 objects (like the Beatles)) can do something better on this theme.

Dan & Pelle has only recorded once in mono on a rainy day.
Maybe some day well release a proper recording with a
10-picture tumbnail driven booklet or even a video.

I sincerely hope that you cant find this ULR.
Dan-Pelles\ Orkester\ -\ Missinasseniwasdreaming.mp3

And if the pictute does'nt move try this:

lördag 20 juni 2009

Mobile Thelephone Revulotion in Teheran

A long time has passed since Ruholla Aiatholla Komeiny made revolution by
help of small Philips Compact Cassettes while eating ounions outside of Paris.

I used half of this eavening, and half of the night discussing current events
with this guy. I made him open a account so he can follow events
in تهران in real time. He told me that tomorrow he is going to the police station
to get a permit to protest 1h all alone here on Drottning Kristinas big square
in Uppsala. Since he is an old iranian heavyweigtchampion i'll think he can manage
that. He got sent to him an big old Persian flag (with a lion on), so he is probably
going to protest against everything that happend to his country since 1948.

If i was alloved to to march with him, i would do so. But he will do it Alone.
He is quite angry by now. He even beat me at chess (10-5 min wronsidied
placed clock e4 e5 sf3 sf6 Ld3! usv...) last night. I had trouble finding my
hidden beercan and then a glass to pour it in - and after all chat i lost on time.
HE IS A REAL FIGHTER! You can reach him at
But do not write in englisch - write in farsi or plain swedish.

Here is an old photoshopped (or maybe gimped) photo of him.

If, and only if this demonstration comes to place, i'll dress up in my old
Sovjet sponsored Muja-hidden uniform and will also carry the following
things (shown on the picture). An Lady's Umbrella to defend myself
against the Bishop in Uppsala Dom hand his Protestantian police.
A small HDTV 1080p camera for official documentation, and a couple
of Norrllands Guld cans (either to bribe the ordinary police or to let
them explode if they hit me with batoons). I will also carry some hidden
cameras with uplinks to the russian Ekran sattelite system.

Putin himself has promised med to downlink it below the Caspian Sea
without censureship and comments if there is useful pictures and sound.
The only thing he wants in return from me is that i'll stop writing about his
murderous deeds in the free columns of the english webbish version of Pravda.

Nasser är en sådan människa som gärna offrar sitt liv för sitt folk.
Och jag är en sån som ställt mitt liv på spel bakom den forna järnridån.
Men trots alla strapatser lever jag fortfarande i högsta välmåga.

Och om ni mullor händelsevis skulle komma på den dumma tanken att
försöka mörda mig; Dvs XX6060 så får ni nog problem, eftersom alla
era västliga kontakter går genom den Svenska Ambassaden. Försök då
hellre att tala med den Europeiska Unionen för där finns ett nästan
neutralt och fredligt land som snart skall hålla i ordförandeklubban.

Om Ni mullor inte vill följa mitt första råd, så har jag ett andra:
Bosätt Er i Borgen långt upp i bergen som "den gamle" byggde
när Timur den lame härjade edert land. Därifrån kan ni predika
rättvisa i lugn och ro. Men om ni försöker styra den unga persiska
belfolkningen med edera gambla trossatser, så är ni ute i ogjort väder.

Midsommer in Sweden (on a rainy day)

Midsommarfirandet på Tungabackar
regnade inne under Tunga moln.

Men som tur är så bor ju Blomsterkonungen Janne Andersson alldelens bredvid mig.
Han hade planterat två segregerade dansgräsmattor vid trapphusets finaste föneter.

Jag planterade Svenska flaggan på den ena och vi firade Anna Lindhs födelsedag i brist på Annat.
Nykteristerna orkade inte få upp sin dyngblöta Majstång innan vi redan hunnit dricka ur och gå hem.

onsdag 17 juni 2009

Samhällets Stöttepelare

Olle, Göran och Svea är tre personer som jag uppskattar
väldigt mycket. Dom kan man verkligen lita på, trots att de
nog blivit lite gaggiga på äldre dar. Gaggigast är gubbarna.

Kommendörkapten Andersson

Just found an old picture from the roaring fifties
when i was enlisted in the Royal Swedish Navy.
Notice the teacup. I got it when i was captain
of Lord Nelsons Flagship Victory at Trafalgar.

Laila from Haparanda, who sits between
Bigitta and her brother Mauno is also in
the navy. She had a really nice genuine
russian skirt today. I felt the fabric, and
it was just like the skirt i once got from
General Grigory Potyomkin at Dnieper.

tisdag 16 juni 2009

Yester-Easters Tulips-Eating

Pelle eating flowers and drinking beer
at an expensive restaurant in Stockholmia.

You can easily see who took this picture if you look in the mirror.
(alles dieses alten stoff kommt zuruck venn mann alte->neue festplatten kopiert)

Simona Melona

Av en ren slump så hittade och tittade jag på en gammal e-post från
min allra käraste vän daterat 20080109 som jag hade ett mycket bättre
svar på nu än då. Jag avslöjade tillockmed i mitt nya något förhastade
svarsbrev adressen till denna min allraste nyaste och slarvigaste blog.

Här är ett roligt gammalt foto på Simona från 20080422 som
förmodligen hennes lilla filippinska personliga assistent Michaela
snäppt&knäppt mellan Färgargårdstorget och Hammarbykanelen.

A missed uppertunerty

Also on the day of yesterday, i tryed to
buy this small house from this little guy
with the mony that my mother (who died
1.5 years ago) left me at Swedbank.
But since the bloody bank lost 37%
of the founds last year some rich man
called something like Hybrisnätte got it.

I was hunted beim Käter last eavening

Yesterday i went home to the murderous owner
of this terrible black tiger and asked his wife if
he was allowed to come out and play with me
for a while. Then we sat in the sunset in a park
drinking wine and pilsener - and then we went home
to me. He tuned up my Guitar and we played for a while.

EU election

We have also had an European Union election.

My party "Piratpartiet" went from 0.0 to 7.1%
so now i am going to Bryxell & Strassburg
to drink beer and get buried. (believe it if you can)

Try this old Nazi Hymn for size.

A Protest Note

I have also been busy with the washes,
and writing this revolutionary poster.

Season for Frankfurters & Hamburgers

Excuse me for not writing Notations.
But it has been busy weeks

I even helped Little Liza in the
installation of three fireplaces.

Click for an instructional video about how to
put a woman to hard work while drinking beer.

fredag 5 juni 2009

A Hard Days Night

all my troubles came so suddenly!
- but now they are far away.

I went out Through my bathdoorwindow,
att gå etter 0l, etter-öl, etter hoppfhasa

On my way back from our Green COOP,
a terrible maiden grabbed me and put
me to phycikal work.

I am in need of some 10 days rehab before writing here again.

torsdag 4 juni 2009

An rather old video

In my last note (written in bad untranslateable swedish language),
i tryed to attach a Duchamp video with no positive result at all.
Now i'll try a HDTVshort that i made for the first of april this year.
It is an ICC-interface demonstration with my
Russian Grandmaster voice soundtrack.
It sounds quite bad, but looks quite funny.

Vill Ni se HighDefenitionTeleVision i full fylleupplösning - klick on this ULR:

onsdag 3 juni 2009

En Ny Fylla

Det började med att jag gick till staden för att köpa en SATAns klyktattarströmmatningskabel. Sednan fick jag syn på ett Kinesiskt Mediacenter. Jag satte mig ned på häcken i Linneträdgården vid den svalkande nyplanterade Österikiska lavendelhäcken och funderade på EZ-Play 900. Höll nästan på att somna bland blommor och bin. Bestämde mig dock för att gå hem igen och sprätta upp en 500-kronorssedel ur madrassen. När jag sedan knackade på hos min Sundsvallskompis Micke på andra sidan stan för att pracka på honom det skräp jag köpt var han inte hemma. Eftersom det var finf väder beslöt jag mig för att vänta ut (eller snarare in) honom. Somnade därvid dum som jag är 4 timmar i en Syrenberschå och vaknade med en hemskt allergisk kolrofylla. Visste inte ens vad som var Norr & Söder sedan jag lyckats resa min från stolen. Jag stapplade hem till min egen säng och lade mig att andas, men mardrömmen om syrenerna fortsatte hela netten (som i Odysseus äventyr). Nästa dag kom min vän Danne hem till mig och fyllde snällt nog mitt blodomlopp med enbär istället. Det var i form av Gordons Londoner Dry Hick. Igår gick jag själv på systemen och köpte 9 flaskor Wolfenbuttel (i små buteljer). Dvs bot & bättring genom örtmeducin. Blev så pigg i knoppen och kroppen att jag kunde sopa golvet med den Iranske Chess-Boxing tungviktsmästaren Nazir, trots att jag bara väger 78Kg med kortbyxor.