A long time has passed since Ruholla Aiatholla Komeiny made revolution by
help of small Philips Compact Cassettes while eating ounions outside of Paris.
I used half of this eavening, and half of the night discussing current events
with this guy. I made him open a twitter.com account so he can follow events
تهران in real time. He told me that tomorrow he is going to the police station
to get a permit to protest 1h all alone here on Drottning Kristinas big square
in Uppsala. Since he is an old iranian heavyweigtchampion i'll think he can manage
that. He got sent to him an big old Persian flag (with a lion on), so he is probably
going to protest against everything that happend to his country since 1948.
If i was alloved to to march with him, i would do so. But he will do it Alone.
He is quite angry by now. He even beat me at chess (10-5 min wronsidied
placed clock e4 e5 sf3 sf6 Ld3! usv...) last night. I had trouble finding my
hidden beercan and then a glass to pour it in - and after all chat i lost on time.
HE IS A REAL FIGHTER! You can reach him at nasser_hf@hotmail.com.
But do not write in englisch - write in farsi or plain swedish.
Here is an old photoshopped (or maybe gimped) photo of him.

If, and only if this demonstration comes to place, i'll dress up in my old
Sovjet sponsored Muja-hidden uniform and will also carry the following
things (shown on the picture). An Lady's Umbrella to defend myself
against the Bishop in Uppsala Dom hand his Protestantian police.
A small HDTV 1080p camera for official documentation, and a couple
of Norrllands Guld cans (either to bribe the ordinary police or to let
them explode if they hit me with batoons). I will also carry some hidden
cameras with uplinks to the russian Ekran sattelite system.
Putin himself has promised med to downlink it below the Caspian Sea
without censureship and comments if there is useful pictures and sound.
The only thing he wants in return from me is that i'll stop writing about his
murderous deeds in the free columns of the english webbish version of Pravda.

Nasser är en sådan människa som gärna offrar sitt liv för sitt folk.
Och jag är en sån som ställt mitt liv på spel bakom den forna järnridån.
Men trots alla strapatser lever jag fortfarande i högsta välmåga.
Och om ni mullor händelsevis skulle komma på den dumma tanken att
försöka mörda mig; Dvs XX6060 så får ni nog problem, eftersom alla
era västliga kontakter går genom den Svenska Ambassaden. Försök då
hellre att tala med den Europeiska Unionen för där finns ett nästan
neutralt och fredligt land som snart skall hålla i ordförandeklubban.

Om Ni mullor inte vill följa mitt första råd, så har jag ett andra:
Bosätt Er i Borgen långt upp i bergen som "den gamle" byggde
när Timur den lame härjade edert land. Därifrån kan ni predika
rättvisa i lugn och ro. Men om ni försöker styra den unga persiska
belfolkningen med edera gambla trossatser, så är ni ute i ogjort väder.